Tuesday 19 March 2013


The beginning of the week always goes fast at school for me, maybe I'm the only one but I'm still planning the weekend already! 

Just another average day at school! Somethings about schools frustrate me but as I'm nearly finished and have something like 4 weeks left in total I actually don't mind going, I've never really minded because i socialise a lot there and it's a chance to see and catch up with my friends.

I had training at six at Portsmouth mountbatten athletics track, we are still winter training building up strength and technique ect. I throw the hammer and I'm in the under 17s Portsmouth athletics team, I love it so much! I've really improve last year I went to surry to compete and came third in the south-east English region while throwing a PB!

So tonight I haven't been training for about 3 weeks due to bad weather and I've been on holiday but since coming back I feel rejuvenated and fresh, I didn't have to think about throwing I just did it and manage to get some decent drills and throws in so I'm pretty happy! Also got asked to throw for the senior womens team as they don't have many decent throwers and ill be throwing again this year for under 17's for Portsmouth athletics club, all the hard work and training does pay off you just have to stick to it!

Train hard, competition easy!
You get out what you put in!

I train and live buy these it does work if you stick to it! I have tried nearly every sport there is and have been successful in most when I was younger but now I've found something that I enjoy doing and it motivates me to train and compete! I know I won't Be the best there is but I know I'm not the worst, I'm really looking to push myself and looking at the Olympics one day! But for now I'm sticking at it training hard and doing the best I can't getting competition practise and some real opposition to beat. It's gunna be a successful year ahead I think!

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